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Ovulation disorders

In some women today they can't remember the last time they ovulate Normal as they suppose to,some for years if not decades can't exactly tell if really they're like others women that ovulate while some don't even know what ovulation is all about because they are struggling and battling with what we called OVULATION DISORDER ,Now the question is what really is ovulation disorder, what causes it,can a woman conceive without ovulation,and does ovulation disorder has any cure?

We will provides answers to all this questions.


OVULATION DISORDER: Can be defined as when a woman ovulate infrequently or does not even ovulate at all,she's battling with the regulation of reproductive hormones by the hypothalamus or the pituitary gland, or problems in the ovary.


*Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS). PCOS causes a hormone imbalance, which affects ovulation.

*Too much prolactin:The pituitary gland may cause excess production of prolactin (hyperprolactinemia), which reduces estrogen production and may cause infertility.

*Premature ovarian failure.: Also called primary ovarian insufficiency, this disorder is usually caused by an autoimmune response or by premature loss of eggs from your ovary (possibly from genetics or chemotherapy.

The ovary no longer produces eggs, and it lowers estrogens production in women under the age of 35.

DAMAGE OF FALLOPIAN TUBE:Damaged or blocked fallopian tubes keep sperm from getting to the egg or block the passage of the fertilized egg into the uterus.

Now the question again arises ,what causes blockage or damaged of fallopian tube.

They are as follows..........

(1) PELVIC TUBERCULOSIS:is a major cause of tubal infertility worldwide, although uncommon in some part of the world.

(2) PAST SURGERY CONDUCTED IN THE ABDOMEN OR PELVIS: maybe there's a complications or a damage occur during the surgery,(many surgeon knows what am saying/or some doctors that perform surgery).

(3) PELVIC INFLAMMATORY DISEASES:an infection of the uterus and fallopian tubes due to chlamydia, gonorrhea or other sexually transmitted infections,that is why women needs to treat any form of infections no matter how little it is because it can cause a lot of damages in their body.


Endometriosis occurs when tissue that normally grows in the uterus implants and grows in other locations. This extra tissue growth — and the surgical removal of it — can cause scarring, which may block fallopian tubes and keep an egg and sperm from uniting.

Endometriosis can also affect the lining of the uterus, disrupting implantation of the fertilized egg. The condition also seems to affect fertility in less-direct ways, such as damage to the sperm or egg.


We LIFE IS PEARL SPECIALIST HERBAL CLINIC WITH COMPUTER LABORATORY SPECIALISED ON AILMENTS like this OVULATION DISORDERS, through the help of JEHOVAH from the natural elements he created we use them to provide help and assistance to our clients that are battling with this sickness,and for decades God has been answering their prayers and yours won't be an exceptional....

We are not the type of people that sells green or yellow label bottle medicine telling people that it cures all sorts of diseases and infections not minding if it has any side effects to people,we have conscience that is why we give our best to our clients,our testimonies speaks and advertise for us.

We render full treatment to both mate,we will first diagnose them then from our test results we commence our full treatment,we will treat them.

For people battling with this kind of cases,we will treat them,things we treat are as follows...

(1) Flush their systems with one of our medicine known as helps to clean the system,so that other treatments that follows can work effectively.

(2)We will open the fallopian tube of the woman with our medicine too,and that will help to make her start ovulating.

(3) We will treat their infections and any damages it may have cause them.

(4) We will then build their reproductive system like as for the husband we will build his sperm and semen, including his sexual performances while as for the woman we will give her medicine that will build her egg so that they can release well, healthier and ready for fertilisation.

We give full treatment not just selling bottled medicine to people because we have conscience and we made a vow to the creator of heaven and earth to give our client the best we can.....


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