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Leg ulcer

In some part of African even here in Nigeria,many people are suffering from this deadly and ugliest sickness, some are just waiting for the day they will have their last breath and majority has stop finding solutions to their problem some wonder if ever they will be free and recover from this deadly illness,some has already loosed hope because some says I will quote them " what kind of miserable life I found myself into,some of my mates are there hustling while am here wasting away ", why such comments?? ......

Answer is because due to the foul odor ,and decaying of the wounds on their leg that has refused to heal ,to the extent that maggots now host get together inside it,and they are now being treated as an outcast someone that is rejected and unclean as if he/she is suffering from leprosy.


It's known as leg ulcers

What Causes Leg Ulcers?

Some of the most common diseases that lead to the formation of ulcers on your legs include:

Venous Disease: This is one of the most common underlying causes of leg ulcers. It accounts for about 80% of cases of ulcers in the leg. Venous disease is usually a result of faulty valves in the veins. When the veins fail to push blood towards the heart, it flows back into the legs, eventually causing ulcers.

Arterial Disease: Another disease that triggers leg ulcers is arterial disease. This accounts for 15% of leg ulcers and is a result of blocked arteries in the leg that inhibits blood flow to the underlying tissues.

Other Medical Conditions: Leg ulcers can also be formed due to medical conditions like diabetes or rheumatoid arthritis.

How do you know if you have developed leg ulcers? Look out for the signs and symptoms mentioned below.


The most common symptoms that accompany leg ulcers are as follows:

Swelling of the ankles

A swollen and enlarged vein in either of your legs

Heaviness in the leg

The leg begins to ache if you stand for long periods

Discolouration on the leg

Irritated or flaky skin

Skin begins to harden and scale around the ulcers.

Home Remedies To Cure Leg Ulcer Naturally


Aloe Vera

Coconut oil


Gotu Kola

Tea Tree Oil


Apple Cider vinegar







There are many herbs that have been traditionally used for wound healing. Herbalist describe this action as quick action

Now, as antibiotics resistance is growing, attention is turning back to herbal remedies to find new treatments. What's more, findings often confirm the traditional herbal use including the wound healing properties of plants, known since ancient times.

In fact, several studies shoes the effectiveness of herbal remedies for healing leg ulcers.

As well as promoting skin healing, many herbs have additional properties that may provide some benefits. Such as reducing inflammation, soothing the skin and preventing infection.

For some who do not understand what we meant by leg ulcer,look at the image below you will see it

The first picture is the early stage of it while the other pictures is when it has been advanced.

But due to the critical time we are living in whereby wicked men and advancing from bad to worst and also so many impostors on earth ,some health practitioners now mistaken wound caused by poison to leg ulcers and this has resulted to loss of lives of humans ....But is there any solutions to that?

Yes there's solution to it.......

LIFE IS PEARL SPECIALIST HERBAL CLINIC WITH COMPUTER LABORATORY is here to save as many as possible to recover from such ugliest sickness,we have our anti-poison, cream and wound dryer together with our natural medicine that we use to eliminate the deadly illness that has caused so much pain to people,we also have medicine we use to treat ulcer legs that are not caused by poison.please friends be assured of our warmth love and best wishes

Be assured of our honest treatment free from fraud, remember out testimonies speaks for us.

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